Free Solar Panels for My Home. Good Idea or Bad?

  Sunday, Jul 23, 2017

I felt this Blog was worth repeating since I am still asked the question.


Question “what do you think about putting these free solar panels on my house?”


It seems there is a program being offered to put “free” solar panels on homes and pay the homeowner a cash outlay of approximately $3000 or a monthly fee over 20 years.  After 20 years you own the panels. The solar panel provider sells the energy to the grid during the 20 year contract.


The problem as I see it is, you aren’t actually getting the benefit of the energy being sourced, just the cash or monthly payment. You own the solar panels after 20 years but is the technology now dated?


I called the one company to get more information. This is what I was told. If you need to replace your roof they will remove for a few days and re-instal after the roof is on.  However, if you put your home for sale and a buyer wants the panels removed it is NOT an option.  They must accept the solar panels along with the house for the duration of the 20 years.  If you took the initial cash outlay, the new owner would get a cash outlay of approximately $ 300.  If you are on the monthly plan, they new owner would now get those monthly payments.      


In my opinion as a Realtor®, the lack of option to remove the panels if you sell makes this a bad idea. I’m all for green energy so if you are planning to be in your home for more than 20 years, go ahead and research it further.    


I would think that a better option would be to purchase the solar panels yourself, use the energy and sell the surplus to the grid for a profit. Having said that, I have no idea of the cost of solar panels.


I would also advise that you research the impact on your roof shingles as well since I have heard some reports of problems in that regard. I have also recently heard that Fire Departments have an issue with Solar Panels.  Do more investigating even when considering purchasing panels for your home.


Buyers who are not familiar with this program, as most of us are not, will be put off of your house. It is something they have no say over, and in my opinion it has very little benefit to them. It will affect the saleability of your home in my opinion.


Have any questions concerning your home’s value and the things you should and/or shouldn’t do to maintain and increase the value…. contact me.

 Helping you is what I do!




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